Friday, September 2, 2011

"Inner Strength"

I am just now getting around to writing this particular post because it is so intensely personal to me. I have been a committed Christian for about 19 years now. I knew that the Lord forgave my sins when I was 11. I truly became a 'follower of Christ' around 16. I say 'truly became' because it was around that time that my relationship began to grow deeply personal for me. It became more than just 'sins forgiven'...I wanted within my heart of hearts to be truly pleasing to the Lord. I began to see Jesus as not just a Savior, but also a very real Friend.

I don't know what I would have done these past 2 years without the inner strength that the Lord has provided. I have been through such a long, dark valley---so dark that sometimes I've lost sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. But, when things became the blackest, it was at that moment that I truly began to live that poem, "Footprints in the Sand" (by Mary Stevenson)

The Lord is my Inner Strength, my Savior, my Friend...He has always helped me through my worst moments. My hope lies in Him and this gives me everything I need.

1 comment:

  1. Devan,

    I am appreciating your posts when I can think to read them - not on the Internet very much except for banking, paying bills, etc. Anyway, I am so glad for the Lord's help in your life and for your determination to serve Him and to lift yourself up with His help. Love, Your "Other Mom."
