So, we've waded through my personal "slough of despond" it's time for the sun to come out!
In order to get my brain back under control, my doctor put me on an ant-idepressant. I have now been on this treatment for 9 months and I have seen VAST improvement. I have always been skeptical of medicating my problem. I tend to want a natural, holistic approach. I tried various herbal remedies for about a year and a half with little to no improvement. St. John's Wort, Valerian Root--- you name it---I've probably tried it! One day, I hope to be stable enough to gradually come off the medication. But, until then, I'm enjoying each new day as it comes. I'm even going back to teaching this fall! Woo-Hoo!
It feels so good to have energy these days. I still struggle with some anxiety, but usually I'm able to overcome it before it gets to the point of needing a Xanax.
Today's advice, from one anxiety sufferer to another:" Don't be afraid to take your medication". If it improves your quality of life then it's worth it. I was afraid of side effects, but I have only experienced good changes in my body. Taking antidepressants does not mean your 'crazy'. It means you have a very real medical condition that needs treatment. Do yourself and those you love a big favor. Kick the stigma in the shins...and keep it real!
Enjoy life!
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