Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cat Therapy

Four years ago, a grey little ball-of-fur came into our lives. I wasn't exactly 'thrilled' by the idea of having a pet. When I was about 12, I had begged for an indoor cat and my wish was granted. However, my 'dream cat' turned out to be a 'demon cat' and Peaches was put up for adoption one year later. I still have a scar on my wrist from that old cat!
Well, I'm so glad that my husband finally convinced me, because Adagio has been such a bright spot for us--especially these past 2 years.
It has been shown that caring for a pet can help reduce stress, anxiety and other emotional issues. I know for a fact that just watching Adagio meticulously clean himself has a calming effect on me. I understand that many people are allergic to cats and dogs, but even watching a fish calmly swimming in its tank can provide a bit of 'pet therapy'.
So, go ahead and take the plunge into Pet'll reduce your anxiety and gain a little friend too!
Until next time...Enjoy Life!

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