Friday, September 30, 2011

The Music of Life

 We haven't had a place to worship for about 2 months now.So, my husband and I are trying a new church. I'm pretty encouraged about it...the people seem really friendly. I think we could get involved and hopefully be a blessing. It's been awhile since we've been able to sing together. Also, I'm excited about playing piano in a church setting again.
I began playing piano for church around the age of 12. The regular pianist had unexpectantly passed away and thus I began playing for the congregation. No mean feat for a 12-year-old who had only been taking lessons for 2 years! I can still remember being so nervous after hands would be so cold that my mom would sit there and rub them to get them warmed up. I still get a little nervous. I think there's a bit of perfectionism in me that is horrified at the idea of a wrong note. Oh, well, I have never let a wrong note stop me from doing what I love to do...and that is play the piano.
I have loved piano ever since I can  remember. My great-grandmother played the organ. I never heard her play, but my grandmother said she was a natural---could play by ear---didn't need the music in front of her. I didn't inherit that ability but I did inherit her love of playing piano.
So, in the days, weeks and months ahead, I look forward to making new friends and sharing with them the gift and beauty of music.
I'll let ya know how it goes...Until next time, Life...Enjoy it!

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Life can be such a Blessing"

So, I have Fridays all to myself. I usually begin by running over to our local Starbucks and getting a Peppermint Mocha. There's just something so relaxing about sipping coffee. Helps me put the rest of the day in perspective.
Then, I have various other chores. This weekend, we may be having some company, so I plan on washing sheets, tidying up the house and making some yummy Chocolate Marshmallow Brownies!
Things have been going so well lately and I'm so thankful. Of course, life is still stressful at times...but I am in a much more stable state-of-mind compared to a year ago. The Lord has taught me so many new things about myself and others. I have more compassion for other people. Going through personal hardships will do that for you! I hope that I can be an encouragement to others going through trials, particularly those dealing with chemical imbalances that cause anxiety and such...I can "empathize" with anxiety and panic attack sufferers. Life can be so overwhelming when you have an imbalance. But at this present time, with the help of the Lord, medication therapy, and the never-failing support of my awesome husband, my good days FAR outnumber my bad days!
So, here I sit, sipping my Peppermint Mocha coffee and being thankful for my many blessings!
Hope you all have an awesome weekend...Until next time...ENJOY LIFE!

Friday, September 16, 2011

"Adagio for Strings"

Well, I now have been on my new schedule for two weeks! I have been having a great time with my 6 students. They haven't been in lessons for 2 years, but it's amazing how quickly they are "gettin'-in-the-groove"!
I haven't had one panic attack (because I've been taking my medicine like a good girl). Haven't really experienced any anxiety either. Such a change from 18 months ago. And I'm so thankful...the Lord is continually helping and healing me!
So, my plans for this year of teaching is to: (1. Continue preparing well-rounded musicians (2. Ready them for a Christmas program for a local retirement home (3. Enter as many as want to into our Annual Junior Music Festival and (4. End the year with our Spring recital.
Lots of work to be done and lots of beautiful music to be learned...It's so wonderful to enrich lives with music! Until next time, please enjoy one of my all-time favorites by the very talented, 20th-century composer, Samuel Barber. If I could express in music all that I've been through these past two years, it would be with Barber's "Adagio for Strings".
Enjoy Life!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Quick Update!

Well, my first week back to teaching was a success! Thank you, Lord! I have been excited and apprehensive about how it would turn out. Because, of course, panic attacks and schedules don't usually complement each other! Yet, I feel totally inspired and confident that the time is right. Looking forward to great things for this year!

Until next time...Enjoy life!

Monday, September 5, 2011

On My Road to Recovery: Back to Teaching Music

Well, it's that time again! I'm so excited to be going back to teaching. I haven't taught in over a year so I'm "easing" back into it slowly. At one time, I was teaching 29 private 30 minute lessons, Monday thru Friday. But that was before this 'anxiety' mess! Beginning tomorrow, I will be teaching 6 private 30 minute lessons: 3 on Tuesdays and 3 on Thursdays. You wouldn't believe what an answer to prayer this is! I'm excited and nervous. The last lessons I taught, my nerves were pretty shot and anxiety issues were in full swing. But, this time, I have 10 months of recovery under my belt...and I have help. It's called "Cognitive Behavior Therapy", and if that doesn't work, it's called "Xanax". Thank the Lord for modern day miracles!
From this point on, I'll be updating this blog about once a week. That's the goal. This is now my "Recovering from Anxiety" blog. I'm not content with living with it anymore...with the Lord's help, I'm gonna kick this thing! Here's one of my favorite songs for you to enjoy! Until next time...LOVE LIFE!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

"Inner Strength"

I am just now getting around to writing this particular post because it is so intensely personal to me. I have been a committed Christian for about 19 years now. I knew that the Lord forgave my sins when I was 11. I truly became a 'follower of Christ' around 16. I say 'truly became' because it was around that time that my relationship began to grow deeply personal for me. It became more than just 'sins forgiven'...I wanted within my heart of hearts to be truly pleasing to the Lord. I began to see Jesus as not just a Savior, but also a very real Friend.

I don't know what I would have done these past 2 years without the inner strength that the Lord has provided. I have been through such a long, dark valley---so dark that sometimes I've lost sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. But, when things became the blackest, it was at that moment that I truly began to live that poem, "Footprints in the Sand" (by Mary Stevenson)

The Lord is my Inner Strength, my Savior, my Friend...He has always helped me through my worst moments. My hope lies in Him and this gives me everything I need.